Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify strategies to improve provider wellness
  2. Describe symptoms of Wernicke Encephalopathy and how do you treat it early
  3. Discuss strategies to reduce weight-based bias within a health care setting
  4. Explain methodologies to identify and rescue failure to thrive/struggling patients

8:30am Welcome
Connie Klein, NPC CBN
8:35am Debate: Sleeve/RYGB “Stick with tried and True: vs. There is a New Kid in Town “SADI”
Daniel Cottam, MD; Rami Lutfi, MD
9:05am Rescuing the Failure to Thrive Patient
Dana Portenier, MD
9:25am Discussion
9:30am Break
10:00am Burnt Out: How to Manage Stress Before it Manages You
Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS
10:20am Reducing Weight Bias in Your Practice
Kasey Goodpaster, PhD
10:50am Wernicke Encephalopathy: Protecting your patient and your Practice from this Medical Legal Midfield
Kunoor Jain-Spangler, MD FACS; Sue Benson-Davies, PhD DCN MPH RDN LN FAND
11:20am Case Presentations: Hindsight is 20/20
Nathaniel Sann, MSN FNP-BC; Erik Wilson, MD; Deb Allis, PA-C MBA
12:00pm Adjourn